Determination of biolubricant characteristics of locally produced moringa seed oil to encourage local production for sustainable development


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Hyat Markus Gaga, HabilaNuhu and Pahalson C.A.D
Page No: 
Volume & Issue: 
Vol. 01, Issue 01, pp.015-018

This study assessed the characteristics of Moringa seed oil as a Lubricant. Moringa oil was obtained by the local extraction process. The viscosityof moringa oilwas obtained using the absolute measurement apparatus. The specific heat capacity of the oil was obtained by the electrical method and the conductivity of the oil was obtained by using the mini conductivity meter. The viscosity was 0.180NSM-2 comparable to that of coolant (0.370NSM-2), but higher than that of transformer oil (0.038 NSM-2).

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